Saturday, July 25, 2009

Many of my baby teeth never fell out?

Most of my front teeth feel out except for the upper left K9 (I don't know if that's the correct term), and so the adult 'k9' grew out of the gum above the baby tooth.

Almost all of my baby molars are still there with the exception of the two upper front molars (the baby ones were removed by a dentist in 1994). The lower front molars kinda grew out from the gum but were impeded by the baby ones which kinda cracked and eventually came out... so the adult ones are kinda sunk..

ALL of the other baby molars are perfectly intact with no visible adult teeth besides what looks like bulging in the gums (which I assume are adult teeth).

I am 25, and the last time I went to the dentist was in 1994. I don't plan to go back ever again unless I am in pain, but I have been painless for the last 13 years. But I would like some info on this condition and what would happen IF I went to a dentist to get it fixed.. or if it even is fixable.

Many of my baby teeth never fell out?
This is a very inherited condition. Most of the time, you just never had the adult teeth. Sometimes the adult teeth are stuck under the gum. With my patients, we usually let them limp along for as long as we can. Stick with a softer diet, baby teeth are fragile, but I've had some people keep them into their 50's. If you want to keep away from the dentist, brush and floss like crazy. Not fun to fix this kind of stuff (for the patient)
Reply:you really have to go to the dentist man
Reply:You should go to the dentist!!! You haven't been to the dentist since 1994? 13 years without getting your teeth cleaned? GROSS!!!!
Reply:im 29 years old and still have all my baby teeth in the back. the only ones ive lost are the four front top and bottom. total of 8 teeth thats it. i dont have any problems!
Reply:uhhh...oh MAN. I've never even heard of this happening before. I don't think it necessarily indicates that something is wrong, but just in case, you really should go to the dentist.

If nothing's wrong, that's actually pretty sweet.
Reply:This is terrible for you to do and I really don't know why you would not go....if you do to the denist now they will tell you that they are going to have to pull your baby teeth, and they you would have to get braces to move your permanant teeth to the places that they need to be. It really does not make sense that one would not go to the denist in this many years. Although you are not in pain now, you will be eventually and next thing you know you will need all veneers and that will be the end of your permanant teeth and baby teeth, sad but true.
Reply:Go to the dentist now! The longer you leave it the worse it will be....

girls myspace

1 comment:

  1. Proper dental hygiene can help to maintain good dental health in fact it is also important to avoid tooth loss.

    child teeth
