Friday, July 31, 2009

Does getting your teeth pulled hurt?

I am 11 yrs old. I have had teeth above my baby teeth for like 2 yrs now. When I went to the dentist 2 yrs ago he said " Wait for your baby teeth to fall out under them"...(2 YEARS LATER) They haven't fallin out yet. And i need them to fall out or else the adult teeth cant move in. And unless i want fangs for te rest of my life...well I went to the dentist the other day (checkup) and they aint moving!. He has to pull them. And that very same day he has to fill a small cavity. Can someone explain what he is going to do (involving pulling my teeth). I am so afraid..I HATE dentist!!

Does getting your teeth pulled hurt?
they will give you small needle into your gum where the tooth is being pulled, and then once it has set it they will pull it. you will feel a pressure but it wont hurt. I have gotten 8 teeth pulled inclusing some baby teeth when i was ten and eleven years old. You'll be fine. I can't help you out with the fillings though because i've never had one.
Reply:not if they numb you enough!!!
Reply:nah it doesn't hurt, they did the exact thing to me when I was about your age. They numb it up and you don't even feel a thing.
Reply:They are going to numb you, and just .. well, pull the tooth out.

Yes, it will hurt.

But not as bad as getting your arm chopped off.

11 is a nice age. :) Im 12.

Good luck!
Reply:I hate the dentist too. Just make sure you tell him that! Seriously, tell him that you are deathly afraid of pain and want to make sure that you have no pain and no anxiety. They should be able to make you comfortable and extract the teeth. Just make sure to talk to him beforehand so he knows you are anxious.

Hope this helps! :-)
Reply:The shot may sting alittle, but you can ask them to pre-numb the area first before you get the shot. They use some sort of flavored gel to do this. Then there will be no pain whatsoever!
Reply:No it doesn't hurt. I got mine pulled yesterday.The worst part was when the dentist gave me a shot and I was numb. And it doesn't hurt after the numbness wears off!

Don't worry, you'll be FINE! :)

xoxox Glamourous Bella,

who has a gap in her smile!!! :)
Reply:It shouldn't hurt when they actually do it. I had a tooth pulled when I was a teenager and I remember I went in to the office. The nurse did some stuff to my mouth; she left. The dentist came in, looked in mouth with some tools. The nurse came back and asked me if I wanted to keep the tooth. I said sure, why not, she handed it to me in a little envelope. I didn't even know he took it out. There is some pain after the fact, but it's not unbearable or anything.
Reply:what they do is they inject you with a local anestetic that numbs you, the injection hurts coz its in the gum tho, then they will put like this vaccume thing to uck out all the spit and blood at the bottom of your mouth then he will get the pliers and yank away, it makes this horrible cracking sound and it puls your head about and aftarwards it bleeds, it doesent take that long to do but taking out baby teeth can be hard sometimes, there wont be alot of blood and ul feel abit sore aftarwards but its not too bad, the cracking sound is the worst.

Good luck
Reply:Just ask them to knock you out...
Reply:honestly, it's not that bad, especially if the tooth is loose because it will come out even easier, but even if the the tooth isn't loose they will hurt a little more, but because there baby teeth it won't be extremely painful or anything. If you look away and prepair yourself right before they pull your tooth out you won't even feel it!
Reply:yes it hurt but not a lot but i know you can manage it!!!!!!

go girl!!
Reply:Well it kinda doesn't since I had surgery to extract my wisdom teeth, and I do have experience how it feels without them and having cavity's filled. First to extract teeth, most dentists will give you a cup of fluid for you to not feel pain. Next, they will settle you down, tell you the procedures of how it will work, then your dentist will put you to sleep and might insert a gas through and vains and nose. The gas will make you relax and eventually put you to sleep. The detinst have several ways to extract it. Cut your tooth in pieces, extract it hole, or just extract the crown of the tooth and leave the roots.

Cavitys are different, no sleep, just a simple clean. You get more info from your dentist.
Reply:I had to have a baby tooth pulled when I was 8, and it did hurt even though I was numbed up. Then at age 13, I need 4 teeth pulled before I got braces because my mouth is too small for all my teeth. So I asked to be asleep for it. You might have to go to a different dentist that can do that, but it's worth it.


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