Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How to tell if a tooth is a baby tooth or an adult tooth?

My son has a loose tooth, but he and I both forgot if it has fallen out yet. He bit a hard piece of thing (still don't know what) and now it's loose. I don't want him to get a replacement tooth, so I want to know if there's an adult tooth to fill its place.

How to tell if a tooth is a baby tooth or an adult tooth?
It should be substantially smaller than any of his permanent teeth that have come in already.

If it is an adult tooth and has gotten loose by biting something hard (however that rarely happens unless there is gum disease present) you can wait a couple of days. If it is simply a loose adult tooth, it will tighten back up again.
Reply:an x-ray would show if a tooth BUD is underneath the gums. If it is an adult tooth, it could tighten back up on its own.
Reply:if he has allready had his adult tooth come in, it would not come loose just by biting something hard. if you really want to be sure, take him to the dentist.
Reply:Just go to the dentist!
Reply:How old is your son? If he is between 8 to 12, he is experiencing tooth replacing. 1 of his teeth will begin to be loose, and it will fall out about 1 to 3 weeks. When you make the particular tooth pain by eating hard things, the more faster the tooth will drop off. If your son is afraid of pain, I encourage you to bring him to a dentist where they use tools to make the tooth drop off. I save money by making my tooth drop off my own. It saves money and it does not really feel pain to take off the tooth itself.
Reply:from .


2- location

3- characteristics features

4- x-ray


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