Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How bad is the pain when pulling out an adult tooth?

I was thinking about getting braces for some time now. I've been very afraid of getting four of my teeth pulled out because of the pain. How bad would you rate the pain of pulling out an adult teeth? 1 being not so bad %26amp; 10 being the worst.

How bad is the pain when pulling out an adult tooth?
I think the pain is very individual. I had 4 teeth pulled before I had my braces and my 4 wisdom teeth removed later on in which 2 of them were surgically cut out without much pain at all. I never even took the pain medicine the dentist gave me and ate dinner that night. My sister had her 4 wisdom teeth pulled without being cut open like me and she was swollen up like a chipmonk for days. How do you normally handle pain? That may be a good sign as to how you will react to having your teeth pulled. I remember when I was a small child and my mother had gum disease. Back then they did not have any treatment and just pulled all her teeth in one visit. She was miserable. I can't even imagine a dentist like that.
Reply:you don't feel it, you're numb
Reply:You are completely numb, so you won't feel anything!
Reply:try and see that the pain is just like a bite of an ant
Reply:I've had two teeth out and honestly the pain *afterwards* is like 2 or 3 at most. The actual teeth pulling was not painful at all. Just a slight pressure of the pulling and that's it. What was worse was the needle. That hurt more.
Reply:Just had mine pulled a week ago didn't even know it was out till the dentist got up and told me it was over.
Reply:if you are going to a dentist, they will most likely sedate you if your having four teeth removed. after the will give you something for the first few days, then its just a little sore, a regular healing sore, but nothing excruciating. when you get the teeth you want you ll most likely feel so much confident about yourself, you ll realize it was totally worth it. on scale of 1-10 a 3
Reply:A typical tooth pulling should be generally painless during the removal process because you'll be numbed prior to its removal. The only thing you will feel after numbing should be pressure. Most people don't realize their tooth has been pulled until told by the dentist or dental assistant (this was the case with all of my pullings).

That being said, you will likely be sore afterwards due to gum trauma. Such soreness may last anywhere from several hours to several days.

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