Monday, April 20, 2009

My brother has just been found to have a second set of adult front teeth (he is 24). What is this called?


My brother has just been found to have a second set of adult front teeth (he is 24). What is this called?
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sorry, just kidding, my cousin has the same thing but not sure what it is called. ok, i looed around and found this for you, hope it helps a little.
Reply:This is called a mesiodens. It is actually usually just one extra tooth (called a %26quot;supernumerary%26quot; tooth because it%26#039;s in addition to your full set) and usually stays embedded in the bone between your two front teeth. It%26#039;s actually pretty cool! They are sometimes removed if they start to erupt and cause problems (like a space between the front teeth), but usually they go unnoticed until you get an xray.
Reply:ask your dentist
Reply:I never knew it was called mesiodens! My daughter has one at thr front. I has %26#039;milk%26#039; wisdom teeth which fell out and looked just like %26#039;baby%26#039; teeth then I got adult wisdom teeth. Lucky cousin
Reply:Super numerary teeth. It is rare, but does happen. Depending on the condition of the extra teeth, they may be allowed to erupt or may need to be surgically removed to prevent them from causing damage to the regular adult teeth already in place. Some super numerary teeth are regular sized, but most are smaller than normal and do not resemble the regular sized adult teeth.

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