Sunday, August 2, 2009

Natal/NeoNatal Teeth?

Has anyone ever heard of or had any dealings with newborn babies with teeth? My son was born with ridges on his gums. At 6 days old, he had his first tooth. Now, it is very loose. I am calling the Pediatrician tomorrow to see what needs to be done. Will another baby tooth come in when he starts teething? Or will he just have a gap there until hid adult teeth come in? I have lots and lots of questions in referance to this. Please, anyone with any information, please inform me. Thanks!

Natal/NeoNatal Teeth?
My god daughter was born the same way. She got her first tooth at 2 weeks old and then another 3 weeks later. I would not be concerned about that. Howerver the tooth being loose. I would call the pedi right away.
Reply:You didn't say how old your son is now?

Could be normal but he could also have an extra set of teeth(rarely all). I guess only time will tell.

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