Monday, April 20, 2009

Does getting an adult tooth hurt more than getting a baby tooth pulled?

I%26#039;m just wondering because when I was younger I got two of my babay teehth (mollers) pulled out because I had really bad cavities in them. I just had some laughing gas though, and no pain killers and I was fine. It didn%26#039;t even hurt at all and I was only 6. So what%26#039;s all this huss and fuss about getting wisdom teeth pulled? Do they hurt more just because they%26#039;re adult teeth? Do the roots go way deeper and that%26#039;s why you need pain killers?

Does getting an adult tooth hurt more than getting a baby tooth pulled?
no not really. its just like getting a baby tooth pulled. so dont fret about it! its gonna be okay!
Reply:Yes, it would hurt more because the roots are deeper, but they usually will numb you up a lot, even may put you to sleep so you shouldn%26#039;t feel any pain.
Reply:i had all 4 removed at once and it hurt!!! they were also impacted so they had to be surgically cut out, and maybe thats why i was in so much pain!!

i couldnt eat real food for a while, my mouth was swollen and discolored.

it was probably one of the most painful things ive ever experienced and i even have given birth!!!
Reply:I found that getting teeth pulled as an adult was much more painful! I had three teeth pulled when I had braces put on, and the teeth shattered while they were being pulled out. This meant that the dentist had to dig out all the pieces! It was very uncomfortable. Also, the teeth are more permanent with deeper roots, so it%26#039;s not as easy as removing a baby tooth!! Good luck and just use nitrous, if it%26#039;s offered!!

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